Experience Hope!

A Hospital for Sinners in A Small Church Community

Come, Heal with us

Please keep the Gold Coast, especially, and the rest of Florida affected by Hurricane Milton in your prayers.

The People of Hope  

The first time you visit you are our guest,

after that you are family!



Pastor Pat McKenzie
(716) 957 0470

Worship Time

Sundays at 9:15AM

Why Hope?

The world lacks hope.  

People are clamoring to fill their empty lives.    

Abuse, addiction, illness, unforgiveness, and brokenness abound.  

But Jesus came to give us hope.  

Our hope is alive!  It is the Spirit of God that dwells inside us.    

Jesus, the Christ, the Savior, the Messiah, brings us this hope. 

Our hope is certain; We want to share it with you.  

Love Unites Us: At Hope, we believe that we are to love others because Jesus first loved us. Our members, fueled by their unwavering faith in Jesus, extend compassion, kindness, and understanding to all who seek refuge. 

A Safe Haven: Life can be overwhelming, but within our community, you’ll find a safe harbor. Here, you’re not alone. Whether you’re grappling with loss, uncertainty, or simply yearning for connection, we stand ready to walk alongside you. 

Peace Beyond Understanding: The peace that comes from knowing Jesus is unlike any other. It’s not merely the absence of chaos; it’s an inner calm that defies circumstances. Through shared prayers, fellowship, and worship, we cultivate this peace together.

Our Heavenly Father Seeks a personal relationship you and I

He made us in His own image.  He sent His son to atone for your sins and mine.  He is reaching out to each of us, offering His mercy and forgiveness to all who repent.  He said in Matthew 11:28-29: "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."  

Experience Hope

Hope for the future

Our ultimate hope is in Jesus Christ, who conquered death and opens to us the glories of Heaven. God's offer of salvation through His Son is why a Christian can always have hope in the future. No matter how bleak the world gets or a person’s situation may be, God invites us to a glory that has no end.  Reach out to His outstretched hand of forgiveness.

Experience Hope




Hope in the Present

Jesus is our Hope.  Hope is a certainty that has yet to be fulfilled. Hope frames an attitude of the heart for that which still awaits fulfillment. It’s an anticipation of a fuller reality that we’ve yet to experience. 

Hope waits.

Hope calls for patience.

Hope always looks ahead.

Hope fixes the thoughts on the unseen.

Hope, consequently, nourishes the heart by anticipating what Christ has promised in the gospel. Hope carries us through trials. Hope prepares us for facing death. 

Hope sustains every generation of Christians through the uncertainties of living in a fallen world. The anticipation of hope that Paul gives in 1 Corinthians centers on the bodily resurrection.

Experience Hope

Hope over the past...

Many people need restoration after lifelong heartbreak and brokenness. 

Wounds go deep, some try to repress the hurt, never allowing their emotions to surface because they are too painful to face. 

Even Christians bury their struggles and hide behind Bible study or service, pressing on in spite of their pain.

Jesus did not promise anyone a pain-free life, but he does promise that we can be restored to abundant life. John tells us, “The Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world” (1 John 4:4). We have been given authority by the Holy Spirit who lives within us and we are to call on that authority as we face our enemies.

For any wounded brother or sister, the Bible speaks one command more than any other: “Fear not.” Could it be because God knows we will have fearful events in our lives that can make us want to shrink back.

Let Go! Let God!

Celebrate Recovery can help.

Phone:   904-677-4506

email:   hopelutheranjax@gmail.com

Pastor Patrick McKenzie   

Phone 716-957-0470

Pastor's email:   kiltedrev@yahoo.com


Address:  8570 Philips Hwy  Ste 104, Jacksonville. FL 32256 https://goo.gl/maps/u3JhQFGsSfRcaB479  
